Care with other dogs while one’s undergoing chemo???

While Maggie is undergoing her chemo treatments (probably through April or May), I have been concerned about my other (two-year-old) dog.  The vet oncologist says there’s no problem having them share a yard, but then tells me that when I clean up after her, I should wear gloves and Maggie shouldn’t be around little children or pregnant women!  That doesn’t make sense to me!

Does anyone have any advice on this?  Any useful articles I can read?  I have the logistics worked out on how to do this, but plan on keeping their potty areas separate for 5 days after chemo.  I was wondering if any of you had faced this and can help.

Thanks, as always!!  Judi and Maggie

PS  Maggie is on 2 anti-nausea meds and is not showing any signs of side effects from yesterday’s first chemo infusion.  She amazes me!!!


6 thoughts on “Care with other dogs while one’s undergoing chemo???”

  1. That’s terrific Maggie is doing so well! Yay!

    It seems to me that it’s just precautionary that the vet wants her to be monitored when around people with compromised immune systems. Maggie’s urine and excrement is what is going to emit any teeny bits of chemo that pass through her, it’s not necessarily Maggie herself that’s toxic. Vets take this precaution to keep the risk of contact low. It’s just like how you wouldn’t put someone with a cold next to someone who is more likely to get sick, you just don’t take those chances. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it seems.

    1. Thanks, but what I am worried about is having my other dog using the same yard with Maggie after chemo. I certainly understand the concerns about people with compromised immune systems. What I DON’T understand is the LACK of concern for my other dog, who might eat the feces, or step in them and lick her paw, or even walking through the urine. My vet was completely unconcerned, but I AM! So, I am taking my own precautions, anyway. I was hoping I could get some good hints and hear what others had to say.

      Thanks! Take care! Judi and Maggie

  2. Hey Judi and Maggie!

    I think I mentioned earlier that her Onco. was one of the “unconcerned”,so I don’t have much insight. I know that other vets show more caution though.

    You could maybe get some booties for both of them to wear outside. They have disposable ones at pet stores. You coukd probably use the Amazon link here and find some there too.

    And in response to your wuestion on the other blog…yep..Happy Hannah se t me a five month old Bull Mastiff puppy approximately two months after she crossed over (Merry Myrtle is now 12 months). She also just sent me a rescue tripawd Coonhound who’s been with us about two weeks now!

    You could also maybe post jnder Ask A Vet for some suggestions. These blogs go up and down so fast sometimes not everyone gets to see them.

    Sending healing energy to sweet adorable Maggie! I just love your pack!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. Hi Judi,

    Ohh sorry, we aren’t a multi-dog household. Separating their poo areas in the yard is definitely a good idea. I think the biggest concern should be the feces & urine, otherwise we’ve never had anyone here report that their other dog got sick after being around a dog who was undergoing chemo. Try not to worry.

  4. Sally – I hope you’re enjoying your new pups! What is your coonhound’s name?

    Thanks! Judi and Maggie and Kenzie

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