Well, it’s been two months now since Maggie’s rear leg amputation. She was doing so well, but lately has been having trouble moving around and prefers to stay in her bed.
We had our stairs carpeted a few weeks ago and we let her go up and down at will. (This was the day it was installed.)The last couple of days she waits at the bottom to be carried up. She even has trouble coming up one step from the back yard into the house.
Three days ago I took her for a walk and she did great, walking about a half mile before she asked to ride in her stroller. The next day, she wouldn’t walk at all – she asked to ride right away. Ive taken her to a doggy PT, who gave me exercises that I do twice daily with Maggie, including some massage (which she loves) and I have been giving her Dasaquin, on the PT’s recommendation.
Any ideas what might be wrong or what I can do to help my brave little girl? She doesn’t seem to be in pain, just unable to do everything she’s been doing since her surgery. Thanks so much! Judi and Maggie