Well, it’s been two months now since Maggie’s rear leg amputation. She was doing so well, but lately has been having trouble moving around and prefers to stay in her bed.
We had our stairs carpeted a few weeks ago and we let her go up and down at will. (This was the day it was installed.)The last couple of days she waits at the bottom to be carried up. She even has trouble coming up one step from the back yard into the house.
Three days ago I took her for a walk and she did great, walking about a half mile before she asked to ride in her stroller. The next day, she wouldn’t walk at all – she asked to ride right away. Ive taken her to a doggy PT, who gave me exercises that I do twice daily with Maggie, including some massage (which she loves) and I have been giving her Dasaquin, on the PT’s recommendation.
Any ideas what might be wrong or what I can do to help my brave little girl? She doesn’t seem to be in pain, just unable to do everything she’s been doing since her surgery. Thanks so much! Judi and Maggie
Hi Judi and ADORABLE MAGGIE…and cutie Kenzie too!
I’ve been wondering about everybody so it’s great to get an update!
Of course, I’m no vet but it could be very possible that Maggie has pulled or strained a muscle…especially stair climbing, even though she does it so easily. And the fact that one day she did a half mile walk (that’s a lot for a little tripawd..even with lots and lots of rest stops) and then didn’t want to the next…could indicate overuse of her muscles.
I would certainly get a vet to check her over as he may recommend Rimadyl or somehing else. The vet may even say hold up on PT for a bit except for the massage.
Please let us kow what the vet says. In tne meantime, we would LOVE more pictures ofyor adorable pack!! I do believe we were promised a pocture of Maggie in her sweater bravingthe outside ridiculousy cold fourteen degree weather! Brrrrrr! Heck, no wonder she wants to stay in ner stroller!!
With a vet’s approval, you may even try a small dose of tramadol if you still jave any. Even though she doesn’t seem in pain, a pimched nerve or pulled muscle can be mighty uncomfortable.
Okay, we’ll be looking for yor update and more pictures!! So glad overall she’s been doing so great in such a relatively short time!
Lots of treats to the girls, lots of chocolate tomyou and lots of hugs to all!!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Thank you so much, Sally and HH! You are so caring and thoughtful!!! I will let you know what the vet says… Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Judi and Maggie
Honestly it sounds like a little too much activity. I would talk to your PT about it for sure. It’s probably nothing serious, but do let us know what the recommendations are. We have our paws crossed for you so let us know.
Thanks, Jerry. Maggie seems to be doing a bit better. I am doing more massage and easier exercises with her – supporting her back leg completely while alternately stretching her front legs. (The PT had me do it supporting her tummy; now she sits on my leg!) The other exercise it to strengthen her core muscles and she sits up on her haunches (begging position) while I hold her front paws, to the count of 6. And I massage and massage her legs and her back.
Yesterday she told me she did NOT want to be left behind on our walk. She walked a little in both directions and rode in her queenly stroller most of the time. She was happy. But – snow today, so no stroller and she got left behind again. 🙁 This time her daddy was home, so it was a little better!
Thanks again for your concern and support! I really appreciate it!!! Judi and Maggie