walking in the cold???

Maggie celebrated her 4-week ampuversary Friday with her first grooming appointment!  (Her groomer was the one who discovered her growth!)  She did great!

The cold weather has arrived!  It was 14° this morning!  Brrr!!!  My question is, do tripawds feel the cold more than usual?  My girls are Cairn terriers and I have never had them wear coats for our winter walks.  But I was a little nervous about taking Maggie out today, so I didn’t and I wanted to ask your advice before I do.  Can I still walk her in the winter?  Should I buy her a coat?  Should I keep a warm blanket in her stroller?

Maggie has an appointment in early December with a doggy physical therapist about 45 minutes from here.  Any advice on questions to ask her?

As always – THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support!   Judi and Maggie

5 thoughts on “walking in the cold???”

  1. Judi,
    Congratulations to Maggie for her 4 week ampuversay. As long as my Maggie was moving she was warm but Weims are famous for being cold. You can definitely walk her but she will probably get more tired than before. You could throw a coat in the stroller and when she stops she could wear her coat, they look so cute with clothing on (I think). Good Luck with PT.

  2. yaaaaaaaa to 4 weeks!!!!
    I bought my Franklin a few wool sweaters to wear during the cold weather. I just found that he loved to be outside for a bit but his hair never grew in quick enough to make me feel like he would be warm!
    He loved his sweaters. . he knew as soon as he got it on he was going for a walk or getting a pig ear in the backyard!!!
    I just sewed up the hold where his leg was and he was toasty warm!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥


    And the journey just keeps getting better and better!

    Okay, I vote FOR the sweater…..HOWEVER…..NOT because I’m afraid she’ll get cold…..but because I know she’ll be so darn cute and I just can’t wait to see the picture!! Of course, you’ll have to get your other pup a matching sweater to double the cuteness factor!

    I haven’t taken Happy Hannah to a PT, so I’m realy o help there. The only thing that I can say is, having read through the exoerience of others here, so etimes there were problems when the physical therapy wss too soon…or too much too soon.
    As far as walking in the cold……of she’s used to walking in the cold prior to the amp., she should still be fine. I like Penny’s idea of keeping a blanket in the stroller so when she’s “at rest” and not exerting energy, that may be the time for her to “snuggle” up in her blankie!

    Such a wonderful ampuversary update!!


    Thanks for the update and can’t wait for more pictures! Your pups are soooooo cute!

    Snuggle hugs to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    PS…Yeah, 14 degrees is coooooold! Maybe a sweater’s not a bad idea for that kind of temperature!

  4. Brrrrr! Oh wow that is cold. I do think sweaters help a LOT. I don’t know if they always get colder but it would seem to me that since Tripawds often have less activity going on, especially soon after surgery, they’re not moving around as much and warming up. It couldn’t hurt to get a sweater and she would look sooo cute!

  5. Thanks, everyone, for the good advice! So far Maggie has done well – she even walked today in the snow!!! I volunteer in a thrift shop whose proceeds go to a new no-kill shelter being build here, so I will look there for some cute coats/sweaters and post a picture!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

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