Maggie’s one-week ampuversary!

Yesterday was the one-week milestone.   Maggie is amazing!!!   I was brushing my teeth and came in the bedroom to check on the girls and they had BOTH jumped up on the lazy boy!!!  This was the best sign of a return to normalcy yet!!!  Her stitches are healing nicely and she’s bothering them very little.  We go for two walks a day, with the stroller, for when she needs a rest.  Tuesday she goes back to the vet for a checkup and to get her stitches removed.  Kenzie has been a wonderful little sister, giving her space, but showing her love, too.  On our walks, they go side-by-side, so that seems pretty normal, too.  Still ahead – stairs!  I will see what the vet recommends.mail


9 thoughts on “Maggie’s one-week ampuversary!”

  1. They are sooooooo darm CUTE!! Adorale pups!

    I kmow you’re just bursting with pride at her amazing avility to adapt and just get n with living!!

    Having a wonderful loving advoate for a mom sure helps her healing process!

    i wouldn’t get the video to work doggone it! It could be because I have a tablet and they aren’t capable of oing a lot of things that “regular” comouters do! I’m tje world’s worse when it comes t stuff like this and I don’t kow squat, but make sure the video isn’t set for “private” viewing.” I’ll keep checking back and keep trying. I don’t want to miss thks vvdeo of “cuteness”!

    Thanks for sharingmthe good news! At least we can still see the blogs and reply to those while the site is down! Hope it clears up soon!

    YAAAAAAAAAY for juing up n the lazy boy! Tha IS a great sign! Nothing’s gonna hold Miss Maggie back!!

    Lots of hugs to all!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Okay! How dumb is this? There is no video!! But ole’ Sal over here just kept clicking on that picture trying to make it “move” like a video!!! DUH!! and DUH a thousande times!!!

  3. That sounds just like something I would do!!! 😀 I did say she had “jumped up”, so I guess you were expecting to see that! Thanks, Sally and HH!!! Judi and Maggie

  4. Way to go Maggie. You and your sister are such a cute pair. Keep on getting better and better. We’ll be looking for more updates and pictures.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  5. Thanks! I am looking forward to our vet visit on Tuesday. I am hoping we can stop the meds and lose the Cone of Shame! Then maybe our lives can get back to almost normal!!!

  6. Thanks again, for all your support! You have made it all so doable! Maggie is amazing and I am so proud of her!!! Judi and MAggie

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